


GRACE IN 30 was a radio program/podcast whose mission was to see to it that no one missed out on God’s grace. We interviewed a wide range of guests whose grace stories provided a powerful counterbalance to the spirit of un-grace, division, fear, and untruth that is so prevalent in today’s culture. 

The program was co-produced and co-hosted by Ed Melick and Sal D’Itri, two high-tech veterans who shared an office during the early years of Ed’s divorce and spoke often about God’s grace. Sal occasionally quipped about doing a radio program together and they went live on WERA-LP, 96.7 FM in Arlington, VA in May 2016. As of March 2022, the duo had aired 614 programs featuring 177 unique guests.

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A SAMPLING OF INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS (Full interviews are available at Gracein30.com)

Ed Melick talks about experiencing the realness, power, practicality and beauty of God’s grace in his divorce.

The tonic our world needs now

Philip Yancey challenges listeners to live lives characterized by joy, love, unity, generosity, and how well they get along with people no one else can get along with.

See to it that no one misses out on God's grace

John McGowan talks about treating people well precisely when they don't deserve it.

The definition of grace

Daryl Davis shares the power of giving your adversary a platform, genuinely listening to him or her, and talking with them and not at them.

Let's stop bashing each other

Bob Chapman talks about the privilege and profound responsibility of leadership and how it offers the chance to care for people and to make a huge impact on their lives.

Value creation includes human thriving

Russ Kloskin shares that no matter who you are or what you've done, Jesus can heal you.

A modern day demoniac